Pentathlon Canada Safe Sport Overview

Pentathlon Canada athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment free of abuse, harassment or discrimination. Pentathlon Canada believes the welfare of everyone involved in the sport is a foremost consideration.

Safe Sport Operational Statement

Pentathlon Canada’s goal is to ensure that a safe and positive environment exists in all programs, activities and events held at the national, provincial and club level by making individuals aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with Pentathlon Canada’s core values. Pentathlon Canada supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and fairness.

Safe Sport Framework

Pentathlon Canada is committed to a Safe Sport Framework that is led by PREVENTION, enhanced by EDUCATION and has a REPORTING process. This is supported by a strong set of policies and guidelines.

The Canadian Sport Helpline

The Canadian Sport HELPline is a national toll-free helpline offering assistance to victims or witnesses of harassment, abuse or discrimination in sport.

Offered in partnership by the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) and the Canadian Centre for Mental Health in Sport (CCMHS), this anonymous, confidential, independent service allows people to share and validate their concerns, obtain guidance on required next steps, and get referrals to other resources for follow up.

The Canadian Sport HELPline provides professional listening and referral services by phone and text at 1-888-83-SPORT (77678) and by email at, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, seven days a week.

Safe Sport Officer

Pentathlon Canada has partnered with Sport Dispute Management PC to serve as Pentathlon Canada’s Independent Safe Sport Officer. Experienced in discipline and harassment matters, Pentathlon Canada’s Safe Sport Officer provides confidential, expert and objective facilitation of complaints and is an essential part of Pentathlon Canada’s commitment to Canada’s Safe Sport Movement.

Any person can contact the Independent Safe Sport Officer to report or discuss incidents of abuse or harassment of any kind. The officer is an independent third party who will guide you through the complaints process and explore other options.. As well, the Independent Safe Sport Officer is empowered to launch appropriate policies as required based on evidence or a situation reported.

Should any complaint or concern come to the attention of any Pentathlon Canada official it will be forwarded to our Independent Safe Sport Officer.

Specifically, Pentathlon Canada’s Independent Safe Sport Officer:

  • receives and acknowledges all complaints, allegations and concerns of possible breaches of the organization’s policies or procedures;
  • determines if the complaint is admissible as per the application of the policies and procedures of the organization;
  • preserves the confidentiality of the complaints, allegations or concerns;
  • designates who the investigator will be, when and if appropriate;
  • where appropriate, convenes the appointment of an administrative body as referenced within the organization’s applicable policy or procedure;
  • reports to Sport Canada as required.

Refer to Pentathlon Canada’s Discipline and Complaints Policy (coming soon) for specific guidance on the process of making a complaint.

You can contact Sport Dispute Management PC at:

Sport Dispute Management PC
65 Geneva Street
Ottawa, ON K1Y 3N6

Pentathlon Canada Commitment to Equine Welfare

Pentathlon Canada athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, and horses have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive environment free of abuse, harassment, or discrimination. Pentathlon Canada believes strongly that the welfare of both people and horses involved in the sport is a foremost consideration. The welfare and safety of horses is a core value of Pentathlon Canada.

International riding competition rules state that abuse of any kind will not be tolerated. To go a step further, Pentathlon Canada has committed to developing a horse welfare policy that clearly defines abuse, provides protocols for removing horses from the competition when they are physically or mentally incapable of performing and provides disciplinary measures for policy and protocol breaches.

Pentathlon Canada is committed to working with the UIPM, the international governing body for the sport of Modern Pentathlon, to advocate for changes to competition rules that increase horse and athlete safety.


Pentathlon Canada Safe Sport Webinar

Pentathlon organizations must have the proper policies in place to ensure a Safe Sport environment for all participants. In this timely webinar, lawyer Steve Indig discussed how to improve your code of conduct, discipline and complaints policies, and screening procedures to increase protections for athletes, coaches, and volunteers. Steve also reviewed whistleblower policies, the ombudsman concept for sport, how activating your policies and educating your stakeholders can reduce harassment in all areas of your organization.

View webinar recording
View presentation slides

Pentathlon Canada Safe Sport Policy Manual

This Safe Sport Policy Manual contains policies for the entire pentathlon community. The policies are intended to promote a Safe Sport environment in a manner that allows for consistent, immediate, appropriate and meaningful action should any issues arise, but also to prevent issues from arising in the first place by communicating expected standards of behaviour.

Download manual

Pentathlon Canada Concussion Management Webinar

Presented by lawyer Steve Indig from the Sport Law and Strategy Group, this webinar on Concussion Management aids organizations in understanding the standard of care owed towards participants and the risks involved with concussions. In addition, the presentation discusses concussion policies, return to sport protocols and other legal issues surrounding concussion management.

View webinar recording
View presentation slides

Pentathlon Canada National Concussion Protocol

This National Concussion Protocol covers the recognition, medical diagnosis, and management of Pentathlon Canada participants who may sustain a suspected concussion during Pentathlon Canada Activities. It aims to ensure that participants with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care and proper management to allow them to return back to their sport safely. This protocol may not address every possible clinical scenario that can occur during Pentathlon Canada Activities but includes critical elements based on the latest evidence and current expert consensus.

Download protocol

Pentathlon Canada Concussion Policy and Policy Acknowledgment Form

The purpose of this form is for Pentathlon Canada and Pentathlon Provincial/Territorial Organizations to ensure their athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers have reviewed their policies and protocols.

Download policy
Download acknowledgement form

Aperçu du programme Sport sécuritaire de Pentathlon Canada

Les athlètes, les entraîneurs, les officiels et les bénévoles de Pentathlon Canada ont le droit d’évoluer dans un environnement d’entraînement et de compétition sûr, inclusif et exempt d’abus, de harcèlement et de discrimination. Pentathlon Canada croit que le bien-être de toutes les personnes qui entretiennent des liens avec notre sport est d’une importance déterminante.

Énoncé opérationnel du sport sécuritaire

Pentathlon Canada vise à assurer que tous les programmes, activités et événements présentés à l’échelle nationale, provinciale et de club se déroulent dans un cadre sûr et positif. Pour ce faire, toutes les personnes concernées seront informées des attentes et des normes de comportement auxquelles elles doivent satisfaire en tout temps afin de se conformer aux valeurs de base de Pentathlon Canada. Pentathlon Canada soutient l’égalité des chances, interdit les pratiques discriminatoires et s’engage à offrir un environnement dans lequel toutes les personnes sont traitées avec respect et équité.

Cadre du sport sécuritaire

Pentathlon Canada s’engage à appliquer un Cadre du sport sécuritaire qui est axé sur la PRÉVENTION, renforcé par l’ÉDUCATION et accompagné d’un processus de SIGNALEMENT. Ce cadre repose en outre sur une série de politiques et de lignes directrices bien définies.

Ligne d’assistance du sport canadien

La Ligne d’assistance du sport canadien offre gratuitement de l’aide aux victimes ou aux témoins de harcèlement, d’abus ou de discrimination dans le sport à l’échelle du pays.

Offert en partenariat par le Centre de règlement des différends sportifs du Canada (CRDSC) et le Centre canadien de la santé mentale et du sport (CCSMS), ce service anonyme, confidentiel et indépendant permet aux personnes d’exprimer et de valider leurs préoccupations, d’obtenir des renseignements sur la marche à suivre et d’accéder à des ressources additionnelles aux fins de suivi.

La Ligne d’assistance du sport canadien propose des services d’écoute professionnelle et de référence par téléphone et message texte (1-888-83-SPORT [77678]) et par courriel ( de 8 h à 20 h, heure de l’Est, sept jours sur sept.

Agent responsable du sport sécuritaire

Pentathlon Canada a conclu un partenariat avec Sport Dispute Management PC, qui agira à titre d’agent indépendant du sport sécuritaire pour le compte de Pentathlon Canada. Possédant de l’expérience dans les cas liés à la discipline et au harcèlement, l’agent du sport sécuritaire de Pentathlon Canada gère le processus de plainte de manière confidentielle, experte et objective et joue un rôle clé dans l’engagement que Pentathlon Canada a pris vis-à-vis le mouvement canadien La sécurité dans le sport.

Toute personne peut communiquer avec l’agent indépendant responsable du sport sécuritaire afin de signaler des incidents d’abus ou de harcèlement ou de discuter de tels enjeux. Cet agent est une tierce partie indépendante qui pourra vous guider dans le processus de plainte et vous aider à explorer d’autres options. De plus, en s’appuyant sur les preuves ou les incidents qui lui sont communiqués, l’agent a le pouvoir de faire adopter des politiques en vue de remédier à la situation, si cela s’avère nécessaire.

Si une plainte ou une préoccupation est portée à l’attention d’un représentant de Pentathlon Canada, elle sera acheminée à l’agent indépendant responsable du sport sécuritaire.

Plus particulièrement, l’agent indépendant responsable du sport sécuritaire de Pentathlon Canada :

  • reçoit toutes les plaintes, allégations et préoccupations relatives à de possibles manquements aux politiques et procédures de l’organisation, et transmet un accusé de réception;
  • détermine si la plainte est recevable en vertu des politiques et procédures de l’organisation;
  • protège la confidentialité des plaintes, allégations et préoccupations;
  • nomme un enquêteur, si et quand cela est approprié;
  • s’il y a lieu, demande qu’une entité administrative se réunisse, selon la politique ou la procédure de l’organisation qui est applicable;
    rend compte à Sport Canada au besoin.

Pour des explications détaillées sur la marche à suivre pour déposer une plainte, consulter la Politique sur la discipline et les plaintes (publiée sous peu) de Pentathlon Canada.

Il est possible de communiquer avec Sport Dispute Management PC en utilisant les coordonnées ci-dessous :

Sport Dispute Management PC
65 Geneva Street
Ottawa, ON K1Y 3N6


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