National Championships

2024 National Championships

Pentathlon Canada in partnership with Pentathlon Alberta, Ares Pentathlon & Fencing Club and Obstacle Sports Canada is pleased to present the 2024 Modern Pentathlon National Championships. These Championships are being hosted in Calgary/Canmore, Alberta at the venues outlined in the document below.

Link to Info Sheet

Pentathlon modernes calendrier des compétitions pour athlètes canadiens et canadiennes

Le calendrier est sujet à changement. Le calendrier ci-dessus répertorie tous les événements auxquels les athlètes canadiens et canadiennes participeront. Un calendrier répertoriant tous les événements de l’UIPM est disponible ici :

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Canadian Modern Pentathletes Competition Calendar

Calendar is subject to change. The above calendar lists all events in which Canadian athletes will be participating. A calendar listing  all UIPM events is available here:

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Pentathlon Canada 2023 Nationals Recap

The 2023 Canadian Modern Pentathlon National Championship went down in the stunning city of Vancouver, British Columbia.

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2023 National Championship Results

The results of the 2023 National Championships are now available.


2023 Modern Pentathlon National Championships

Pentathlon Canada in partnership with Dynamo Fencing Club and Obstacle Sports Canada is pleased to present the 2023 Modern Pentathlon National Championships. Please see the attached PDF for all details.

Link to Info Sheet

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116 Hamilton St. N., Ottawa, ON K1Y 1C2
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