Personal Background

Nom : Quinn Schulz
Date de naissance : 20 mai 2005
Taille : 6’6 (198 CM)
Ville d’origine : Calgary, AB
Ville natale : St. Albert, AB
Résidence : Calgary, AB
Langue(s) parlée(s) : anglais

Sport-related Background

Entraîneur en chef du programme : Joshua Riker-Fox
Entraîneur de natation : Joshua Riker-Fox
Entraîneur de course : Joshua Riker-Fox
Riding coach: Joshua Riker-Fox
Entraîneur d’escrime : Darragh O’Malley

Interview Questions

Why you love the sport of pentathlon?
I love the variety in the sport because if I’m struggling or feeling unmotivated in one sport I always have four others to focus on..
How often do you train (per week or month)?
6 days a week, 16+ hrs
Of the five sports of pentathlon (fencing, swimming, obstacle, shooting and running), which do you consider your best?
What are your hobbies?
I like watching basketball and playing guitar.
Do you participate in other sports?
Not often but sometimes I play basketball.
What career would you like to pursue or are you currently pursuing?
I’m not totally sure yet but I’d like to pursue a science related career.
Future goals (in sport & or work)?
In sport I want to be able to be more competitive in international competition and qualify for higher level competitions such as the Sr. Pan am games in 2023.
What is the greatest challenge you have faced?
Injuries from growth over the last couple years so I wasn’t able to train as much but now that my growth is slowing down I’m able to train much more.
In the moments when I doubt that I want to continue, how do I motivate myself?
I’m motivated by the curiosity and dream of being the best I can be in all 5 sports and knowing that being unmotivated and maybe missing training days means I’ll never know how good I could be.
How has being an athlete benefited you (positive effects in your life that you would not have had otherwise)?
Being an athlete gives me something to look forward and strive for every day.

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