Personal Background

Name: Joel Riker-Fox
Date of Birth: July 4th 1988
Height: 5’9” (175 CM)
Hometown: Delacour, Alberta
City of birth: Calgary, Alberta
Residence: Delacour, Alberta
Language(s) spoken: English

Sport-related Background

National team member status: 2019/2020
Head coach: Joshua Riker-Fox
Swim coach: Joshua Riker-Fox
Run coach: Joshua Riker-Fox
Riding coach: Joshua Riker-Fox
Fencing coach: Joshua Riker-Fox, Darragh O’Malley

Interview Questions

Why you love the sport of pentathlon?
It offers so many unique challenges as an athlete and as a person. I also love having a reason to work with horses, they are amazing creatures.
When you got involved in pentathlon and why?
I started coaching with Ares Pentathlon and Fencing Club, then I gradually started training for Modern Pentathlon at the end of 2016.
How often do you train (per week or month)?
I train as much as my work schedule allows for, I have to be flexible with where and when I train at times to fit it all in.
Of the five sports of pentathlon (fencing, swimming, equestrian, shooting and running), which do you consider your best?
The Show Jumping aspect is usually my strength.
What are your hobbies?
Sound and Stage design for events, playing music and with friends.
Do you participate in other sports?
I have a passion for beach and indoor volleyball.
Are there any other athletes in your family?
My Mom, Dad, and brother, are all involved in athletics and sport in some way.
Bachelor of Communications & Culture
What career would you like to pursue or are you currently pursuing?
I work in the event industry.
Future goals (in sport & or work)?
Mainly to stay fit and happy and keep motivated day to day, and try to be good to others.
What is the greatest challenge you have faced?
An absence from sport, and how not having that positive feeling that sport can bring can make daily life mundane.
In the moments when I doubt that I want to continue, how do I motivate myself?
I think back to what life is like without a competitive and athletic outlet.
How has being an athlete benefited you (positive effects in your life that you would not have had otherwise)?
Sport brings a sense of confidence and happiness, and a strong healthy physical self.
Best movie I have ever seen is?
Cool Runnings and Forrest Gump.

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